I really love my job. I really really do. It's awesome.
Now, I've only been working at it for two days, and we haven't been all that busy yet. And I do know that things are only going to get busier. For example, Sunday. Sunday's going to be like those crazy days back in high school. We have a baptism at each service, acolyte training, baseball game, and a book club thing. I think. It'll be busy, whatever it is that we're doing. And then Monday's got some stuff, Tuesday's not to bad. Wednesday we've got some meetings, and then synod assembly starts on Thursday, goes to Saturday and then I preach on Sunday. Afterwhich there's talent show, and in the evening it's the Sunday school teacher's appreciation dinner at the house and we get to cook for it. Then it's the week before the youth trip and the next week, I think, is VBS. But I'm thinking I need to get a planner or something before that happens... it may sound like I know what's happening next, but I'm sure that there's a lot more happening that I'm not remembering.
I'm home right now. Took the train, spent the night. I've got some errands to run today. Hopefully I'll get them all done in time to pick dad up from work and go to post with him.
See, the thing is, (and yeah, I'm only two days into the summer, so it's early to be thinking for results right away), I really enjoy my job, and I really feel comfortable at St. Paul's and all this... but I know that there's a difference between a specific job at a specific place that one finds enjoyable and that one finds fulfillment at... and the career that one is called to do. But oh well. We'll see. This summer will be an adventure, no matter what happens.
Oh, and the thing that a goldfish and a laser have in common is that neither one can whistle.
Until the next
Friday, June 1, 2007
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You could probably rig a laser to whistle, in response to an action program...
But it's still funny.
That's my favorite Heinlein book! Hurrah Mike! In some of his later books, RAH brings Mike back... but those are the wacky "everyone's having sex with their relatives" books.
By the way, I've rigged an RSS feed for your journals to LJ, but now I'm going to have to remember not to comment there, as you'd never receive them.
ETA: Sorry, still figuring this system out. I'm not going to use this blog much. This is Katie B., by the way.
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