Sunday, November 29, 2009

Preparing for Preparation

Ever notice that you're never ready for Advent? You get your wreath out, you change your paraments (if you have paraments, or a blog that dresses according to the season), you begin to think of shopping and holiday travel, relatives and when you'll get the tree.

But these pre-Advent thoughts differ from the thoughts that happen during Advent. During Advent you think about the look on their faces as they open the perfect gift. You wonder if there'll be snow, and hope there won't be ice. If you're a student, you calculate how many pages you have left to write before Christmas. If you're a parent, you calculate how many times you'll hear questions about Santa, how many times they'll request to hear the same Christmas song again, how soon is too soon to put fresh sheet on your student's bed before they come home.

Today starts Advent, and, as usual, it hits with surprise. Even though we prepare for it, we are never really prepared for it. You show up for church in the morning and Boom! everything's blue (Lutherans use blue for Advent), the readings are from a different Gospel (each of the liturgical years follow a different Gospel: the year we just began is Luke), and suddenly we're singing Christmas songs and "People, Look East," and where did the time go? Now all those Advent questions have to be thought on. When will you get a tree and where will you put it? Who's coming over and when and what will they eat? And it's not just Christmas to prepare for, but winter. (Unless you're somewhere *cough*Iowa*cough* that already is wintered.) Do you have salt or sand in all the cars? What about emergency hats and gloves and such? If you get snowed in, do you have enough yarn?

Advent is my favorite season because it is the season that most reflects our lives. (Us being Christians.) We live in expectation that Christ will come again. In Advent we celebrate that expectation by remembering and celebrating the fulfillment of hope that was the first Christmas, and we look forward even more fervently to Christ's return. That's why so often in the lectionary the Advent readings are preparation-heavy. We "look east" and talk about John the Baptist advising us to prepare the way.

This Advent is a new adventure for me because I'm in a new preparation phase of life. We are all so often preparing for things. We spend the first 18 years of our lives "preparing" by going to school, learning social customs, language, and behavior. And we continue: we prepare for new family members, we prepare for the next holiday, we get dressed in the morning (prepare for the day), we prepare for the next big meeting, the next paper, the next performance, the next product update, the next big thing.

This is my first Advent while officially preparing for my career, and, as it's a career related to Advent, it's interesting to think about the connections between Advent and seminary.

But Advent's just starting, so they're young reflections and connections. Because the joy of Advent is that it isn't just four-ish weeks of preparation for Christmas, it's four-ish weeks of reminding us to prepare, daily, not just for who we want to be, but who we already are as children of God.

Monday, November 23, 2009

Luke/Acts Creed

Here is the creed for Luke/Acts. In case of screen resolution/width issues, I have put it in first as the form I composed it in (it ought to look like an angel), and second in typical format. It is again an acrostic.

God:                                                             God:
Oh Lord
                                                    Oh Lord
Disciples                     we are
Do hear us               as we pray to you            do hear us
Receive our                                        prayers and
Restore in us
                                   life to serve
Even as we are            reminded           to love you as
Each other and          as ourselves      we are commanded
Celestial beings         bring word       message from God
Cherubs and angels       glorify       God bringing hope.
Evil is fought and      overcome      by interpretation
Evil is the pain of    a society   which binds members
“In him is gladness, all bonds he breakest” and so now
In response to his calling, we now break away bonds
Vocation: we are called to worship, to prayer
Vocation: we are called into all the world
Entering the world we are sent out
Entering the world we go out
Spirit-led and guided we
Serve our neighbor with love
Giving ourselves and our lives to
God who we glorify and praise each day
Life and love and peace and hope we find
Look, he teaches us and now we must proclaim
Oh Lord, we pray to you to guide our voice and
Oh Lord, send us your Spirit that your message will
Resound throughout the earth as we interpret and teach that
Reality is divine action in the world though not all may see. We say:
Yes, to God we give praise, we pray, we sing, we dance, we pray, we proclaim
Yes, he meets us on the road, he breaks the bread, he opens our eyes, he lives!


Oh Lord
Disciples we are believers
Do hear us as we pray to you do hear us

Receive our prayers and
Restore in us life to serve
Even as we are reminded to love you as
Each other and as ourselves: we are commanded
Celestial beings bring word: message from God
Cherubs and angels glorify God bringing hope.
Evil is fought and overcome by interpretation
Evil is the pain of a society which binds members
In him is gladness, all bonds he breakest”# and so now
In response to his calling, we now break away bonds
Vocation: we are called to worship, to prayer
Vocation: we are called into all the world
Entering the world we are sent out
Entering the world we go out
Spirit-led and guided we
Serve our neighbor with love

Giving ourselves and our lives to
God who we glorify and praise each day
Life and love and peace and hope we find
Look, he teaches us and now we must proclaim
Oh Lord, we pray to you to guide our voice and
Oh Lord, send us your Spirit that your message will
Resound throughout the earth as we interpret and teach that
Reality is divine action in the world though not all may see. We say:
Yes, to God we give praise, we pray, we sing, we dance, we pray, we proclaim
Yes, he meets us on the road, he breaks the bread, he opens our eyes, he lives!

Monday, November 9, 2009


This is part 2 in the creed series: Matthew. Where as the Markan Creed was written to be read aloud, in a rushing, rhythmic pattern, Matthew is of a more relaxed pace.

Gathered here, we are
Gathered for one purpose:
Goodness, and 
Oh Lord who has called us,
Our deepest questions answered;
Oh Lord who has challenged us,
Our deepest beliefs realigned;
Do not leave us,
Disciples we have been
Don’t stop guiding us now that we are
Disciples no more, but apostles.

Under new authority: to
Us has been given the authority
Using us for God’s will
Us, who Jesus taught
No longer learners
Now we have been taught
Now we are sent out
Now we lead
Into the world: 
I am we and we are light.
Individuals joining to be groups:
I am we and we are salt
To serve or not to serve
To obey or not to obey
The choice belongs 
To all and all must choose
Every person has the choice
Every being has the ability
Each choice we make turns toward or away.
Even now we are called to be
Salt, we are
Salt, required for life;
Salt, we are called to be

Professing repentance,
Proclaiming the only Father, God
Prophets and law guiding,
Praying even for our enemies.
Enemies and even evil which is temptation
Evil turns away from God’s will
Evil, the Evil, can be held back
Each must turn to the
One who is the Son of God,
Only He is our teacher,
Only He rose from the dead
Only He did we meet in Galilee.
Prescribed for us on the Mount, we
Pray as we have been taught, we
Pray as even He did that Night for God’s will, we
Pray for relationship, to be ourselves
Light, we are
Light required for life;
Light, we are called to be
Each of us is called
Each of us: to be leaders now
Each of us is called
Each of us: to do God’s will